NSW Government Grassroots Funding Initiative Announcement

The NSW Department of Sports and Recreation has announced a $27.3 million community sport support package.


  1. All KWNSW members are potentially eligible for up to $1000 in return to sport funding to assist with getting back to training by paying such fixed costs as: insurances, affiliation fees, base operating fees and essential equipment
  2. Forms will be shortly circulated to all members you will be provided the option on these forms to consent to the direct payment of your insurance and affiliations costs by KWNSW or if you prefer a payment of up to $1000 can be paid direct into your nominated account
  3. Further information can be obtained from our office 0426 900 587 or by email on secretary@kwnsw.com
  4. All of our volunteers are currently working remotely so your patience is appreciated if we can’t get back to you straight away but we will do our best

On behalf of our members we extend our public thanks to the NSW Government for its invaluable assistance during these most challenging of times.